Pay Online |
How to make Payment:
- It is quite easy. Just deposit the amount in our account in any networked State Bank of India in your city/place.
- If you have Internet Banking Account, just transfer the amount in our account mentioned above.
- No need of Credit Card or Debit Card.
- Payment can be made through Western Union Money Transfer also. Ask us the required data for Western Union Money Transfer.

Current Account Details:
Banefeciery Name: Chintaharan Jyotish Kendra
Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXX
Account Type: Current Account
IFS code: SBIN-0000586

Saving Account Details:
Banefeciery Name: Pancham Singh Chauhan
Account Number: 20012997160
Account Type: Saving Account
IFS code: SBIN-0000586
Confirm Us About the Payment:
- On Depositing/ Transferring the Amount in the abovesaid Account, mail us about the same including the Name of Depositor.
- You may send Payment confirmation SMS or call on Mobile No.
Why Payment is Essential:
- This ensures you of our prompt and best service.
- This assures us about the genuineness and Sincerity of Querist.
- This is great aid in meeting with our website requirements.